Thursday, November 25, 2010

December Workshop: Expertise, Pedagogy, and Practice

The Philosophy department at the University of Wollongong will be hosting a workshop on expertise, pedagogy, and practice on Dec 6-7, 2010. This workshop is supported through the ARC Discovery grant ‘Embodied Virtues and Expertise’ (DP1095109)

The workshop takes as its focus recent work on situated and embodied cognition, the concepts of expertise, skill and practice, and contemporary pedagogical theory. This work has made important steps towards overcoming traditional intellectualist and individualist models of cognition, group interaction and learning, but has in turn generated a number of important questions about the shape of a model that emphasizes learning and interaction as situated and embodied.


Christopher Winch (King’s College, London) – Education and Broad Concepts of Agency

David Beckett (Melbourne) – Beyond the Chicken Sexer: A Distributional Account of Expertise, Excellence and Agency

John Sutton (Macquarie) – Applying Intelligence to the Reflexes: expertise and the transmission of embodied skills

Greg Downey (Macquarie) – tba

Paul Hager (UTS) – Group Practice: A Further Dimension of Expertise?

Mary Johnsson (UTS) – Dialogic Engagement: A Bakhtinian Perspective on Expert-Novice Interactions at Work

Nicola Johnson (Monash) – Problematising the label of ‘expert’ within education: Power, authority and discourse

David Simpson (Wollongong) – Wittgenstein and Stage-Setting: from natural reactions to the space of reasons

Michael Kirchhoff (Wollongong) – Extended Cognition and the ‘World is its Own Best Model’ Model of Cognition

Kellie Williamson (Macquarie) – Groups as Thinkers: Learning and Transactive Memory

Andrew Geeves (Macquarie) – Improvisation, rehearsal and temporality: the emergence of expertise within a group of professional musicians in an embodied and situated context

Full details, including abstracts, maps, transport and accommodation options, can be found here:

There is no attendance fee, but to assist with catering arrangements, attendees must register by emailing David Simpson ( by 28 Nov 2010